Some Basic Tricks First
Watch Videos in 360p on Slow internet to Skip Buffering
Actually, most of the time, YouTube automatically sets the quality of a video depending on your internet speed.But sometimes, the Internet is too slow, the 360p videos are watchable enough, especially on the Mobile devices.
Videos on Loop
Now you can watch a series of your favorite videos on YouTube without break. A latest feature that has been added to YouTube is that you can play any video on loop. Go to YouTube site and open the video, hit the ‘right click’ button on the mouse and select the ‘Loop’ option, and the video will repeat itself.
Save for Later
You want to watch a video you have come across but don’t have time to watch it? Now, you can easily watch it later as YouTube gives you the option to save it. All you have to do is to hit the ‘Watch Later’ button to keep all such videos under one tab.
Keep account private
In case you don’t want other YouTube users to know which videos you have liked, see your playlists or see the channels you subscribe to—now there is an option to keep all your information private. To keep your account private just log into YouTube, type ‘www.youtube.com/account_privacy’ in the address bar of the browser and tick the boxes.
Change speed of video
The speed of video’s playback can be changed by hitting the ‘Settings’ button on the video and click the ‘Speed’ option. You can then slow down the video (0.25X and 0.5X) or speed it up (1.25X, 1.5X and 2X). This feature is available only for desktops.
Make search options specific
This may seem like a simple trick, but it works just about everywhere you can search for something. By using quotes around a search query, you can force YouTube to give you exact matches for what you’re looking for. You can then narrow down the results as you see fit, such as filtering through upload date, rating or more.
Limit Your searches to a time frame
You can limit searches on YouTube to a time frame. Perhaps, you’re looking for the latest episodes of a web series from this week. By searching this way, you can narrow down results to a specific time frame.
Make search options specific
YouTube offers a variety of Filters for users to narrow down search results. If you search for something that could have a broad response, use the Filters to narrow down the results to what you’re exactly looking for.
Use “+” or “-” to include or omit keywords
You can use the + or – to include or omit keywords in your search results. This can be useful to find something very specific within your results that you may have to sift through if you didn’t include or omit keywords.
Let YouTube fill in the blanks (WildCards)
Maybe you’re bored or not quite sure what you’re looking for other than a general subject. By using the wildcard, you can let YouTube fill in the blanks and perhaps you’ll discover what you’re looking for without realizing it.
Also see: Try Airy as an efficient YouTube to mp3 converter Mac